Photo Credit: Jared Kuzia
Mixed materials, a stunning stone wall and custom cabinetry in three finishes blend together to create a warm, open and functional kitchen perfect for this busy family.

Have you ever scrolled through a designer’s website and noticed all the projects have a similar look and feel? They may all be beautiful, but they’re similar enough to feel like someone did a copy/paste. Not so at Interiology Design Co. where your design aesthetic and needs are top of mind. Every project is unique so every design solution should be too, and we work with you to explore different design concepts, layouts and details to get it just right - for you.

Thinking about a home bar? They all have similar features but you can combine them in endless ways. Consider this - do you want your beverage refrigerator hidden behind custom cabinetry or would you rather have it obvious so guests can easily spot where to go for a refill?

Photo Credit: Jared Kuzia
Here the beverage refrigerator is camouflaged behind gorgeous vintage green-painted cabinetry but glassware is displayed on open shelves and in grass-fronted cabinets.

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In this home, a custom cherry door (styled as drawers) opens up to wine storage on the left that matches the corresponding refrigerator and freezer drawers on the right.

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But here, beverages are on full view behind a glass fronted panel, whereas barware is more “hidden” behind frosted glass doors on the upper cabinets.

All three bars incorporate beverage refrigerators and glassware storage but did you notice anything else? They all look quite different because each one reflects the homeowner’s unique style, space constraints and functional needs.

Here’s something else to consider - where does your family eat their meals? Where would you like them to? Do you want counter stools? A formal dining room? A family eating area in the kitchen? We all need a place to eat, but where you do so is different for every client.

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This in-kitchen dining area features a custom table and banquette with rich red and silver accents to pick up on the red tones in the family’s artwork.

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Here a wood counter wrapped around part of the island creates a defined, yet casual, in-kitchen seating area.

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Perhaps you want it all. This project features a round table for cozy family meals, counter seating at the island so family members and guests can be closer to the cooking action as well as a formal dining room.

Whatever your style, whatever your needs and desires, Interiology Design can help fulfill them. Every client relationship starts with our careful understanding of your goals, lifestyle and tastes. We manage every step of the process, saving you time and avoiding costly mistakes. The results are custom-tailored interiors like those shown here. Interiors you are excited to come home to and share with those you love. Visit to schedule a consultation with one of our award-winning designers.