
Imagine living in a home filled with peace and tranquility. In a place where you feel a sense of balance and a visceral connection to nature in every season. A place where the “in” and the “out” read as one.

That vibe is the North Star that guides ZEN Associates, an interior and landscape design and build firm. “We have a genuine understanding of the power of nature and embrace the use of asymmetry, naturalness, simplicity, and balance, says principal Peter White.


The team at ZEN designs award-winning spaces that honor nature; they use words like “peaceful,” “poetic,” and “balanced” to describe their work which is known for its authenticity and creativity.

The first order of business when taking on a new project is to make sure the team at ZEN understands their client’s lifestyle, program, what brings them joy and the opportunities and constraints of the site. “We design spaces that are personal and memorable,” says White. The undercurrent beneath every project is always nature and the appreciation of nature. It’s manifested in the selection of materials, in scenes, sightlines, and even sounds. “It’s wonderful if you can open up a space and bring in sound,” says White. “Even a small water feature can add a soft, pleasing sound to the environment.” In addition, balance, scale, and proportion (and sometimes restraint) are essential elements in ZEN’s landscape and interior design plans.


The ZEN team doesn’t try to bring in every part of the visible landscape. Views from inside the house should be carefully chosen and framed. Rina Okawa leads the firms interior design services and designs with the understanding that interior and exterior spaces can be intricately connected.”

The ZEN team is always looking for ways to move easily from inside the home to the patio, lawn, or garden, maximizing the space to transition to the outside. Advances in technology allow us to maximize the visual connection while maintaining climate control and comfort. By Landscape and Interior working together throughout the design process, the use of consistent materials and continuity is achieved. Okawa believes “the transition from inside to outside becomes seamless when the interior palette is consistent with the exterior in texture, color, pattern, and materials. We do like to incorporate natural woods and rough stone, things you would find in nature.”


It is this seamless connection to our natural environment both physically and visually that enhances our well-being on a daily basis.

ZEN Associates, Inc.
Woburn, MA
